>>>>> On Wed, 9 May 2001 18:28:06 -0700, Horms <horms@xxxxxxxxxxxx> said:
> On Wed, May 09, 2001 at 04:38:35PM -0600, Mark Miller wrote:
>> So, the question I have is this:
>> Is there any combination of schedules and/or weight (0 perhaps?) values that
>> will allow for configuration of the 2 real servers to be setup with one as a
>> primary and one as a secondary server in hot-spare capacity. Basically we
>> only want the secondary real server to process requests if the primary is
>> removed by mon from the ipvsadm table. Once mon detects that the primary is
>> providing the services we want mon to add it back to the ipvsadm table and
>> requests to the secondary real server to cease.
> You can either add and remove servers from the virtual service (using
> ipvsadm) or toggle the weights of the servers from zero to non-zero values.
Could you elaborate a little on the difference between the two
options? Is it so that removing a server from the table hangs the
active connections? If so, it seems to me that setting the weight to 0
is preferable?--Thanks for any insight on that!