
New user; using DR with AIX

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: New user; using DR with AIX
From: TimothyReaves@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2002 14:27:23 -0500
     Hello all.

     I'm using SuSE 7.1 which has LVM already installed.  I've read LOTS of
the documents, but unfortunately they are not easy to navigate, nor are
they up to date or complete.  What I'm trying to do is setup the SuSE box
to balance to 4 RS/6000's, with direct routing.  I'm not sure this is
possible, as ALL the documentation shows linux as the real servers OS for

     I have the following (I'm not using the config, because it did not
come with my config, and I'm not sure it would help.  Again, the doc's
disagree on how useful it is) entered at the prompt on the LVM server:

ipvsadm -A -t -s rr
ipvsadm -a -t -t
ipvsadm -a -t -t

96 is the linux machine, and 153 & 155 are AIX.

This does not work; the request does not seem to leave 96 (they do not get
to 153 or 155).

     Some of the documentation states that a virtual IP addresses is
needed, but I'm not clear on this.  Could / would I add a virtual IP such
as to both the linux & AIX machines?  One part of the document
seemed to indicate I should do this, while turning off ARP for the virtual
address and also making the broadcast the same as the IP.  I believe it
also showed the real server with a route added to the virtual IP.  Is this
correct?  If so, wouldn't the application need to listen on the virtual IP

     Any help would be greatly appreciate.  If I get it working, I promise
to write a HOWTO :-}

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