Hi All,
I have installed Linux Redhat 7.3 on my machine (with a Pentium 4 processor).
Now, I would like to install the LVS. I have read the documentation, and
like to know what are the "roots of the begining"; i.e., what I have to do
In the Mini-Howto documentation, in the install-general subsection, the
procedure is stated :
1.I downloaded the kernel from kernel.org.
2.I downloaded the ipvs patch (use the single patch)
3.I downloaded the hidden patch.
4.I uncompressed the kernel source in /usr/src
5.I uncompressed the hidden patch in /root
6.I uncompressed the ipvs single file.
7.I copied the hidden patch to /usr/src/linux
8.I executed: patch -p1 <hidden-2.4.5-1.diff
9.I copied the ipvs patch to /usr/src/linux
10.I executed: patch -p1 <linux-2.4.18-ipvs-1.0.2.patch
11.I did a make menu config, and configured my kernel
12.I did the exact same steps you did to compile it: make dep;make
clean;make bzImage;make modules;make
I have also read on the documentation that redhat linux have the kernel
already patched with the ipvs. So I don't know
what to do exactly ?. Also, I don't know where to find the hidden patch, in
the software link ?.
Any help would be most appreciated, and many thank you in advance.