> (1) Will LVS NAT routing handle this
Can't answer, don't know :(
> (2) Do I need PERSISTANCE on IMAP and POP (I already
> use persistance on HTTP/HTTPS), and if so, what
> setting? I currently have PERSISTANCE set to 15
> MINUTES for HTTP/HTTPS/IMAP/POP. What persistence do
> you recommend for imap/pop/http/https ?
You don't *need* perstistance for IMAP or POP as long as all realservers
access the same unique data, which should be the case (or you're heading
to terrible headaches).
HTTP doesn't either, unless you have some sort of session problems.
HTTPS doesn't either, but it runs smoother because SSL negociations
occur less often.
Sébastien Bonnet
Centre de contacts - Experian France