Malcolm Turnbull wrote:
> Assuming you have 2 FTP servers with shared storage (NFS or raid or
> whatever)
> If you loadbalance both without persistence
if you have LVS-DR with ftp and no persistence,
it doesn't work at all (see the HOWTO). You don't get
the connection to the data port.
> wont the client prompt for a
> password each time the server changes ?
> Is this the same if you are load balancing SQL (MySQL,PostGreSQL,Oracle
> etc..) ?
> Has anyone got experience of load balancing servers that have passwords
> in the protocol ?
I've tested ftp on LVS a fair bit. You get asked for a new login each
time you logout and connect again. The client on LVS sees the same
thing as when connecting to a single server
Joseph Mack PhD, Senior Systems Engineer, SAIC contractor
to the National Environmental Supercomputer Center,
ph# 919-541-0007, RTP, NC, USA. mailto:mack.joseph@xxxxxxx