
RE: single load-balancer, multiple clusters?

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: single load-balancer, multiple clusters?
From: Alan Murrell <silkbc@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 4 Apr 2003 18:33:44 -0500 (EST)

--- pb <peterbaitz@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> You are confusing me a little by your use of the
> word "clusters". 

Okay, when I am saying "cluster", I am meaning a group
of servers.  I have three seperate web server
clusters, each with their own VIP for WWW and FTP
assigned to it:

  1. Cluster 1 = Linux web
  2. Cluster 2 = NT web with databse
  3. Cluster 3 = NT web without database

I think the reasoning behind this is that each
"unique" cluster could be seperated somewhat from the
rest, and if problems develop within it, it should
theoretically not affect the others. <shrug>

Anyway, each cluster currently consists of two
servers: a live server and a hot standby, so if the
"main" server craches or something, the hot standby
goes into action.

I have the Linux cluster working well using
"heartbeat" between the two of them, but under NT, we
only have standard server, and not "Advanced", so
there is no built-in "Network Load Balancing" feature.

My thought was to try to use "heartbeat" on the NT
machines with Cygwin environment, but then I also
thought that LVS may do the job.

So, I was wondering if one "director" can be in front
of all three clusters, and be able to direct the
traffic to the appropriate cluster based on the VIP,
or if each unique cluster requires it's own

I hope my intent is a little more clear now :-)

Again, TIA!


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