On Wed, Apr 16, 2003 at 01:01:32PM -0700, Fong Vang wrote:
> I'm having a difficult time figuring out why packets are being dropped at
> the load balancer for sessions that have no packets going through it.
> Basically, the client (browsers) requests a such that could take up to 30
> minutes to return. If it returns in less than 15 minutes, everything is
> okay. Anything longer and the return packets (according to traffic
> sniffing) would be dropped at the load balancer.
> We're using ipvsadm v1.21 with IPVS v1.0.6. We're using IPVS in NAT mode.
> After issueing a request from the browser, ipvsadm -Lnc set the expire time
> to 15 minutes and then starts the count down. Could this be what's causing
> the problem? If so, how do I change this?
Yes, that is almost certainly the problem.
You can change these timeouts by modifying the LVS source
and recompiling the code.