-> What is the output of "ipvsadm" in your desired configuration (using
-> the x.y.237.234 VIP)?
IP Virtual Server version 1.0.9 (size=4096)
Prot LocalAddress:Port Scheduler Flags
-> RemoteAddress:Port Forward Weight ActiveConn InActConn
FWM 1 wrr persistent 300
-> localhost:http Local 1 0 0
The configuration may have changed slightly - isp is fiddling.
Basically, why does it not work when the VIP is outside the subnet of the DIP?
for example,
Works fine.
Does not work.
Any ideas?
-----Original Message-----
From: John Cronin [mailto:jsc3@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 06 August 2003 15:24
To: LinuxVirtualServer.org users mailing list.
Subject: Re: Problems with DIP and VIP on different subnets
On Wed, Aug 06, 2003 at 03:08:41PM +0100, Chris wrote:
-> We are running an LVS box at a remote data centre.
-> Unfortunately, the ISP uses a standard block of single addresses for the
machines and additional IP addresses are in an external block that get
forwarded as needed.
-> The IP of the director is x.y.254.15/
-> The VIP is x.y.237.234/
-> The DIP works fine. The VIP does nothing.
-> When I do an ifconfig, the VIP is never listed.
That right there is a problem. The VIP is not going to work if it is
not shown by ifconfig, because that means the VIP is not configured.
-> If I put the VIP to x.y.254.10 it works perfectly but the ISP will not let
me have that address.
-> I have manually created an ifcfg-eth0:1 to set-up the x.y.237.234 and this
works but only as another DIP not as a VIP. I have tried to use firewall marks
to extract the packets from this but no luck there either.
So the network hardware and routing part of the equation is working, but
for some reason your VIP is not getting configured. This indicates a
software and/or configuration issue.
What is the output of "ipvsadm" in your desired configuration (using
the x.y.237.234 VIP)?
John Cronin
mailto: `echo NjsOc3@xxxxxxxxxxx | sed 's/[NOSPAM]//g'`
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