
RE: connection between MySQL and Apache LVS-NAT

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: connection between MySQL and Apache LVS-NAT
From: "Easytrans Systems (Laurie Baker)" <lvs@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 1 Sep 2003 18:03:03 +0100
Francois Mounier Sent the following on: 01 September 2003 14:51


>I am trying to run a php web site using LVS for my apache web
>Everything works...i mean the LVS loadBalancing on http and stuff...

I'll assume that you have a LVS director -> www server1..[2]..[3] .... ->
MySQL Server ?

>But my probs is that I dont knw how to deal with MySQL into that...
>while browsing the post I saw yours and it seems similar to what I
>wanna do...

I therefore don't see that you have to do anything if your just wanting your
Apache to
talk to the database, however if you need to administer the dB from the
outside world
then you will probably need to set-up some rules but not load balanced?

>I want to put a MAster MySQl related with the apache web server.. but
>I dont knw how to do it. I mean i dont want to put my Master and Salve
>in loadbalancing but just want my apache server to be able to send the
>request on it.(same network)...

If it is on the same network then it should be able to talk anyway. I would
suggest however that you set yourself some Iptables on the apache server so
to protect
the dB (sort of a secondary DMZ)?

>Do i need to use ipvsadm for that or just "plug" the Mysql server onto
>my network and my php request will work (Mysql out of the LVS)

Yes plug it in and go that's about the long and the short of it.
Hey! you should have tied it and seen what results you got then, it would
have saved
you all these questions! :¬)


Good Luck,
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