
RE: How to handle SSL traffic

To: 'Horms ' <horms@xxxxxxxxxxxx>,<lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: How to handle SSL traffic
From: Peter Mueller <pmueller@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2003 10:46:36 -0700
>> Better to let the real servers handle the SSL... you
>> can always add more real servers if SSL processing
>> bogs them down by some fraction.   

> I agree. And arguments that I have heard to the contrary
> are usually tedious at best. SSL is probably the
> most expensive thing that your cluster needs to do.
> Thus disributing amongst the real servers makes the most sense
> as you can scale that by just adding new machines.

If I wanted to use a hardware SSL decrypting device such as a card in my
LVS-director boxes, how could I set this up in LVS?  I see no problem
getting 443 to decrypt, but how do people then forward this traffic to the
real server boxes?  I like the idea of saving 20-30+ Thawte bills a month
AND offloading a whole bunch of CPU for the one time cost of $500/card..
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