
Re: LVS Active-Active, two instances ipvsadm

To: Joseph Mack <mack.joseph@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: LVS Active-Active, two instances ipvsadm
Cc: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: David Manchado <david.manchado@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 5 May 2004 17:16:41 +0200
Hash: SHA1

Hello Joseph (et al), 

I've found where 
this scenario is analized.

El Miércoles, 5 de Mayo de 2004 16:41, Joseph Mack escribió:
> David Manchado wrote:
> Since Horms hasn't replied...
> There are two branches of the sync demon code.
> There is Wensong's master-slave implementation, which only would
> failout but not failback. Julian's patch fixed that and you run
> two copies of the sync demon (one as slave and one as master) on
> each director, so now you can failback too.
Yes, it's exactly what I have right now. With a script I can change the daemon 
into master or backup depending the status of each director.

> Horms is working on a separate branch, which virtualises the sychd -
> he has written hooks into ip_vs so that that synchd can be loaded
> as a module and controlled by ipvsadm.
> Horms has rewritten Wensong's code as a loadable module so you can
> get the same functionality as before with his code.
I see

> Horms also has implemented a peer-to-peer synchd, which loads as
> a module and allows all directors to exchange conn state info
> with each other. This has been written up as the conn_sync paper
> on Horms webpage. The p2p synchd allows all directors to be
> active (Horms Saru work).
> None of Horms sync code has been accepted in ip_vs by Wensong.
> There is lots of good useful code floating around that is not in ip_vs
> and you shouldn't put it aside because it's outside ip_vs. I attempt
> to mention it when I can in the HOWTO, but I don't know about it all.
> In the next version of the HOWTO (any day now) I have written up
> some of the active-active code.
Thanks for the information (and explanation).

> If you want to use the active-active code, you should go to Horms
> webpages.
I'm working on it :)

Thanks for your help!

- -- 
David Manchado
System Administrator EUROCIBER
e: david.manchado@xxxxxxxxxxxx
t: +34 902 902 997
f: +34 91 338 1616
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