
Re: problem running real server on different machine

To: vikas kashyap <k_vikaskashyap@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: problem running real server on different machine
From: Horms <horms@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 6 May 2004 19:40:19 +0900
On Thu, May 06, 2004 at 09:59:30AM -0000, vikas  kashyap wrote:
>  ?I have installed ipvs-1.0.9 on my college hub network where each computer 
> is connected to other.So real server,virtual server & client all lie on the 
> same network.When I specify both Linux virual server(i.e director) & real 
> server on the same machine,then it works.The active connection rises by 1.
> But when I specify a different machine as the real server,lvs doesn't work, 
> the inactive connection rises by 1.Please help me, so that I can run real 
> server on a different machine.


You need to run LVS-DR and make sure that you have handled the ARP problem. 
Both these topics are detailed in the HOWTO.

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