
RE: Weighted Round Robin: Maximum Weight

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: Weighted Round Robin: Maximum Weight
From: "Francois JEANMOUGIN" <Francois.JEANMOUGIN@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 2004 10:03:33 +0100

Horms :
> Sorry, to answer your actual question, yes 1000 is a valid weight.
> The weights are integers, but sometimes they are assigned to an
> atomic_t, so they can only be 24bits. That is,
> values so 0 to (2^24-1) should work.

Are you sure there is no other limitation somewhere in the code (like parsing
the weights or something like that). I remember I had problems with 5 digits
weights. I can't check it now, and I upgraded ipvs/keepalived since, but...
The limit can be in the parsing of configuration files for ldirectord or
keepalived (I use keepalived).


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