
Re: Jabber Scalability and LVS

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Jabber Scalability and LVS
From: kwijibo@xxxxxxxxxx
Date: Thu, 03 Feb 2005 08:51:14 -0700
Jon Phillips wrote:

Exactly...we are limiting users of our jabber service to our jabber servers, however, users will be spread throughout the world. So thus, they would connect to the jabber server (a collection of LVS realservers) through the load server, right? The jabberd2 server then has a db in mysql that maintains information about who is logged in, and then all the users. Where would this data exist? Would this be synced with the other servers? Or, would a large RAID be needed to store the MYSQL db for all the LVS realservers to read and write to? This is where my knowledge gets a little hazy of the subject?

I think it would be easier to keep your db in a central location.  I am
not sure how you would handle the db syncing if each node had it's own
db.  What would happen if a user jumped to another realserver before the
db had a chance to sync?  That would be a nightmare to maintain.
I think a central backend db would be the way to go.  You then have a
single point of failure though but if you are just doing this for
distributing the load and not necessarily for redundancy it shouldn't
be that much of a problem.

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