
Re: Jabber Scalability and LVS

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Jabber Scalability and LVS
From: Jon Phillips <jon@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 02 Feb 2005 15:25:46 -0800
Joseph Mack wrote:
Jon Phillips wrote:

Hello, I'm wondering if anyone has made an LVS setup using jabber, the open
source messaging solution? (

not that we've heard. I assume you aren't the first person to think of doing
this, but if it's not possible, we haven't heard about that either.

I'm trying to scale this jabber network for more than a million concurrent
users. Would LVS help this?

I don't know much about jabber. I assume it's tcp and that each client keeps open a tcp connection to a particular port (6667?) on the jabber server for the whole session, sending and receiving messages.


Since any port is only able to make 2^16 connections and you want 2^20 
connections, then you'll need 2^4 realservers in your LVS to make this number of connections. So far so good.


The next problem is what happens when the client writes (sends a message) to the jabber server which in this case would be a bunch of LVS realservers. In a normal
jabber setup (I expect) the client's message will be sent from 
to the receiver who also has a connection to server_IP:jabber_port. In the case
of a bunch of realservers, the receiver will likely be connected to another 
and the realserver you're connected to won't have a connection to the receiver.

Exactly...we are limiting users of our jabber service to our jabber servers, however, users will be spread throughout the world. So thus, they would connect to the jabber server (a collection of LVS realservers) through the load server, right? The jabberd2 server then has a db in mysql that maintains information about who is logged in, and then all the users. Where would this data exist? Would this be synced with the other servers? Or, would a large RAID be needed to store the MYSQL db for all the LVS realservers to read and write to? This is where my knowledge gets a little hazy of the subject?

Does this sound right?

I think you are pretty much on point...Thanks for the info!


Jon Phillips

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