
Re: heartbeat feature request: "Noisy" gratuitous arp

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: heartbeat feature request: "Noisy" gratuitous arp
From: Horms <horms@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2005 14:39:21 +0900
On Fri, Feb 04, 2005 at 09:50:39AM -0800, Todd Lyons wrote:
> Horms wanted us to know:
> >> I would like to see a "noisy gratuitous arp" setting where you can tell
> >> heartbeat to occassional resend the gratuitous arp.  Something like:
> >>     noisy_arp 720  # 720 minutes = 12 hours
> >Actually, that was my original design, and that is the way
> >fake, which heartbeat was subsequently based on works.
> >However it didn't make it into heartbeat, partly because
> >no one notices, and partly because it didn't fit well into the model.
> Nice to know the history of it, thanks :-)
> >But the way things stand now it could easily be added as an
> >option to send arp. Do you want to have a look at patching that,
> >unfortunately I am a touch busy?
> I will take a look at it but I think it is a low priority.  I read the
> section of the LVS HOWTO on the arp problem carefully and noticed
> something that I had not noticed before: the noarp module.  I have since
> started using that on my real machines with the older kernels and it
> seems to be working so far.  (Hence my posts from late last night about
> the noarp module).

Understood. That is probably a better solution anyway.


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