
Re: ipvsadm --stats and number representation

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: ipvsadm --stats and number representation
From: Guy Waugh <gwaugh@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 16 May 2005 08:56:22 +1000
Peter Mueller wrote:
I'm currently running IPVS 1.0.9 and ipvsadm 1.21 (compiled with popt and IPVS 1.0.9). I plan to upgrade before the year is out. All my services use LVS-NAT.


Can anyone suggest how I might get the stats values in bytes? Is there something in /proc for IPVS 1.0.9 that I can use, or does a later version of IPVS have more detailed stats somewhere?

Neat idea.  I use Nagios too, it is really nice.

Have you thought about using rate instead of exact packets?

Hi Peter,

Yes, I did think of that, but it looked to me like the rates computed with 'ipvsadm [...] --rate' are computed since the LVS service was brought up. Perhaps I'm wrong about that (?), but I only want the rates since the last service check, so I decided to use the approach that the standard 'check_traffic' plugin for Nagios uses, which is to save the current counters in a file in /tmp every time the check is run, and compute rates from this file (and from the amount of time passed since last check, and current stats).



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