
Re: ipvsadm --stats and number representation

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: ipvsadm --stats and number representation
From: Guy Waugh <gwaugh@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 16 May 2005 09:07:02 +1000
Horms wrote:
On Fri, May 13, 2005 at 04:16:51PM +1000, Guy Waugh wrote:

Hi folks,


Can anyone suggest how I might get the stats values in bytes? Is there something in /proc for IPVS 1.0.9 that I can use, or does a later version of IPVS have more detailed stats somewhere?

I don't think you are in luck, however, ipdating ipvsadm to give extra stats should be pretty easy. Can you give some more
deatils of what you are after?

Hi Horms,

Sure - I looked at the ipvsadm source code (v1.21) while researching this, and I see that when IPVS statistics are displayed with ipvsadm, a function called 'print_largenum' converts raw numbers into kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes and terabytes. It's looking like it would be easiest for me to modify the source and either avoid the print_largenum function for stats figures, or add another option to ipvsadm (as Graeme Fowler suggests in his reply - thanks Graeme!) like '-x --exact' which prints out the exact value rather than the 'human-readable' value.

I'll play around with this today, time permitting, and when I get the Nagios plugin working, I'll submit a write-up to you guys...


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