Hi all,
I'm configuring a LVS-DR environment in which:
- director runs on Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 2.1 (Panama) box (
kernel 2.4.9-e.34)
- the realserver runs on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 3 (Taroon Update
1) box ( kernel 2.4.21-9.EL)
I've configured an http service on director as below:
Prot LocalAddress:Port Scheduler Flags
-> RemoteAddress:Port Forward Weight ActiveConn InActConn
TCP wlc
-> Route 1 0 0
and I've installed the noarp module on the realserver as below:
[root@cautha2 root]# noarpctl list 12 0 3
The problem I can see is that invoking the http://VIP/index.html from my PC
(outside the LVS network) I can see the page provided by realserver 2 or 3
times after that I receive a "Page Cannot Displayed".
The page remains unreachable for several minutes after I have the same
behaviour again.
Could someone give me some hints in order to make this system work ?
Thanks in advance