I read all i could find out LVS TUN .. but now i am more confused.
Sorry for being so dumb.
What i am confused about is what would be the RIP and DIP of the
Director and real servers
Let me take a example
I have three servers whose internet IP are - , and
I accept smtp connections on from all the world.
Now i want to make this machine as the Director and load balance all
the smtp connection between and
I want to accept connection from outside world, so i feel my VIP
should be as this is the IP that isadvertised as the MX
record on the DNS. is also a direct ip of the machine on eth0
Also then what should be VIP of my other two machines.
Infact i am confused as to what DIP and VIP I should have for the
Director and the realservers.
Please help
On 5/23/05, Mack.Joseph@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <Mack.Joseph@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Joseph Mack PhD, High Performance Computing & Scientific Visualisation
> LMIT, Supporting the EPA Research Triangle Park, NC 919-541-0007 Federal
> Infrastructure Contact-Ravi Nair 919-541-5467 - nair.ravi@xxxxxxx,
> Federal Visualization Contact - Joe Retzer, Ph.D. 919-541-4190 -
> retzer.joseph@xxxxxxx
> lvs-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote on 05/21/2005 06:13:49
> AM:
> > Hi all ,
> >
> > What i want to know is that , if i place director machines
> > in front of
> > these two servers in India, will it be also possible to have the 2
> > servers in US as realservers ?
> yes but the packets from clients in the US will have to
> come to the director in India first.
> > Is this possible when 2 of my servers are away (in US )
> > and not on the
> > same physical segment (India), and have different internet IP's
> yes. Use LVS-Tun
> Joe