On Tue, Jul 12, 2005 at 02:19:56PM -0700, Son Nguyen wrote:
> Horms,
> I believe the problem is because there were two running ldirectord daemons
> (I changed the settings then restarted ldirectord). How could it be
> possible? It seems when I did "service ldirectord restart/stop" it does not
> really stop. Should ldirectord check for existing daemon when starting?
Yes, it does that. I'm really not sure how you could have ended
up with two instances, unless you changed the name of the configuration
file at some stage - you can have multiple intances running as
long as they have different configuration file.
> The rpm for ldirectord is from UltraMonkey:
> heartbeat-ldirectord-1.2.3.cvs.20050404-1.rh.el.um.1.i386.rpm
> I killed the daemons and make sure it has only one running daemon and it
> does not change the weight anymore.