
RE: Inconsistent between ipvsadm stats & realserver's

To: "' users mailing list.'" <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: Inconsistent between ipvsadm stats & realserver's
From: "Son Nguyen" <trungson@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2005 18:38:50 -0700
> > [root@dir root]# ipvsadm
> > IP Virtual Server version 1.0.8 (size=65536) Prot LocalAddress:Port 
> > Scheduler Flags
> >   -> RemoteAddress:Port           Forward Weight ActiveConn 
> InActConn
> > TCP  VIP:http rr
> >   -> RIP1:http          Tunnel  1      7          833
> >   -> RIP2:http          Tunnel  1      9          836
> >   -> RIP3:http          Tunnel  1      172        17
> >   -> RIP4:http          Tunnel  1      8          826
> That is interesting.  What does 'ipvsadm -L -cn' show?  Is 
> there some IP that is making strange connections? What about 
> 'ipvsadm -L --rate'?  Anything unusual?

Here is what I have for --rate, does look like RIP3 is getting more than the
other and the weight I have for it is the same (and I use rr, not wrr)

[root@dir root]# ipvsadm -L --rate
IP Virtual Server version 1.0.8 (size=65536)
Prot LocalAddress:Port                 CPS    InPPS   OutPPS    InBPS
  -> RemoteAddress:Port
TCP  VIP:http                 30      198        0    41428        0
  -> RIP1:http                 8       43        0     7215        0
  -> RIP2:http                 8       41        0     6891        0
  -> RIP3:http                 8       73        0    20264        0
  -> RIP4:http                 8       41        0     7058        0

[root@d2 root]# ipvsadm -L --stats
IP Virtual Server version 1.0.8 (size=65536)
Prot LocalAddress:Port               Conns   InPkts  OutPkts  InBytes
  -> RemoteAddress:Port
TCP  VIP:http              33196   217434        0 46862217        0
  -> RIP1:http             16844    94190        0 15519560        0
  -> RIP2:http             16847    91467        0 15492771        0
  -> RIP3:http             16844   163409        0 48125530        0
  -> RIP4:http             16843    91799        0 15571951        0

I don't think there are IP w/ strange connections, the total # active
connections (13+7+256+14) is about right for the whole system. However, the
question is why RIP3 gets a much larger number of connections than the other
reals. Is there anyway I can clear out the connection table (just to make
sure it is not corrupted)?

[root@dir root]# ipvsadm -L -cn|grep RIP3|grep -c ESTABLISHED

[root@dir root]# ipvsadm -L
IP Virtual Server version 1.0.8 (size=65536)
Prot LocalAddress:Port Scheduler Flags
  -> RemoteAddress:Port           Forward Weight ActiveConn InActConn
TCP  VIP:http rr
  -> RIP1:http          Tunnel  1      13         876
  -> RIP2:http          Tunnel  1      7          885
  -> RIP3:http          Tunnel  1      256        516
  -> RIP4:http          Tunnel  1      14         862

Thanks for your time. Best regards,
Son Nguyen

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