
Re: Keepalived + feedbackd

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Keepalived + feedbackd
From: Graeme Fowler <graeme@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 6 Oct 2005 17:06:54 +0100
On Thu 06 Oct 2005 14:56:26 BST , Jacob Coby <jcoby@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I'd be willing to help. I started on it last month, but didn't continue because I never heard back from Alexandre.

It might be worth you asking the questions of the keepalived list also (noting that you have be a subscriber to post). I know that although there's an overlap between this list and that one, it's not a 100% match.

Personally speaking I have no experience (yet) of NECP but it certainly looks like an interesting idea - if the following became possible then we'd have an all-singing, all-dancing load balancing/high-availability/healthchecker management package...

1. keepalived manages the "master" server
2. "agent" on realserver connects to keepalived master
3. keepalived marshals agent into LVS grouping appropriately
4. keepalived adds agent into healthcheck subsystem
5. keepalived emails admins to announce new server

Hrm, that looks like a very scalable system to me, especially as it would mean not having to continually restart keepalived to make config changes such as adding in a realserver to a cluster.

I hope I've understood this properly, as that gets my vote :)


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