On Tue, Nov 01, 2005 at 10:24:56AM -0800, jess patel wrote:
> ok, lets just say I am new to linux and new to setting
> up LVS with DR. Now, I am doing this as part of
> another big project which requries to have lvs more so
> nessus-lvs. But before that I read both the howtos
> and I need clarification on some things. I still
> think I have no idea what is going on after reading
> them. That is my fault of course not the howtos (they
> are great by the way).
> 1. Do you need three computers? I have only two.
You can use any number of machines. You can make a working
cluster using two. And it can be load balanced. However,
as a beginner, I would recommend using 3 nodes as its
a bit simpler.
If you don't have hardware lying around, you can use
virtual machines, such as qemu, xen, uml, or VMware.
> 2. Is is possible to have lvs-dr setup using only two
> computers?
Yes. Assuming you want load-balancing, you need to use
lvs-dr for such a setup.
But again, I recommend starting with something a bit simpler.
Note, there is also lots of other documentation around, such
as the HOWTO. I just use those links as I wrote them and
thus am quite partial to them.