
Re: all clients disconnect when removing a realserver

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: all clients disconnect when removing a realserver
From: Graeme Fowler <graeme@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 10:29:30 +0000
On Fri 13 Jan 2006 09:54:24 GMT , Leon Keijser <errtu@xxxxxxx> wrote:
Tried it, with the same result. All clients disconnect as soon as i delete
the realserver. So that answers my question if keepalived would handle
things differently; it wouldn't.

This is really quite odd, and I need to get my head around what is really happening here...

Regardless of whether you're using ldirectord, keepalived, or doing things manually with ipvsadm; are you removing the realserver from the configuration and then restarting/HUPping/sending some signal to the application? Or have you got the director doing health checks which then remove the realserver from the pool programatically?

If you restart the director application (which is what I think yoiu're doing) then unless you specifically have configured it not to drop the LVS tables upon stop (keepalived has this option), all your clients will be disconnected as expected. This is because the tables are cleared completely, which removes all the persistence and connection records and gives you the behaviour you see.

If the realserver is removed from the pool programatically then the only clients affected should be those connected to that realserver. There are other issues related to persistence which may need addressing, but let's see what it is you're actually doing first before following those up.


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