eth0 should be sufficient here
I am using only one nic card, so I had to have the alias for the VIP as
well as the DIP.
> virtual_ipaddress{
> dev eth0:208 x.x.x.208/
The netmask in cidr notation would be
I don't think your syntax would work, but I did not test it.
> virtual_ipaddress{
> dev eth0 x.x.x.217/
And still I suggest adding "dev eth0" to the end of that line.
Try to start keepalived with -d and -D to see if it gives any
error-messages in /v/l/m
No error messages showed up on either.
Do you see the new ips on the devices after keepalived has started?
I did an ifconfig eth0 down; and then started keepalived:
/etc/init.d/keepalived start; and the interfaces did not come back up...
Keepalived uses "ip", not "ipconfig" and there is no need to shut down
the interface before you start keepalived.
Keepalived is not intended to start the interface.