
Re: Setting up source hashing scheduler

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Setting up source hashing scheduler
Cc: Armin.Haken@xxxxxxx
From: armin haken <Armin.Haken@xxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 09 Feb 2006 13:38:07 -0800

This message belongs at the end of a thread from Dec 2002 called "Re: Setting up source hashing scheduler" I have no idea how to link it to that thread except to use the same subject.

I have successfully followed the recipe given by Ratz in that thread to set up LVS using source based forwarding. Thanks! That was exactly what I need LVS to do, and as a networking novice I would not have figured it out alone.

However there is a bug in the recipe, hinted at by Horms in one of the messages: The argument to iptables to mark packets needs to be
-j MARK --set-mark <n> instead of
-m mark --mark <n>
The latter would just match an existing mark.

I figure if anyone else follows the instructions in that thread, they might benefit from this followup.

Thanks for all your work!


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