On Mon, 2006-02-13 at 15:48 -0500, Jacob Smullyan wrote:
> But all these are workarounds; what I really want is to tell the
> director (or keepalived), "retain all configuration, but temporarily
> drop this realserver until I remove the block". Is there a way to do
> that?
On the director(s), assuming you use eth0 as the interface forwarding
the packets to the realservers...
iptables -I OUTPUT -o eth0 -s $VIP -d $RIP -j REJECT
That'll stop keepalived doing any healthchecks whatsoever on the
realserver you need to work on. Simply replace -I with -D when you're
The same thing can be achieved by "null" routing the RIP on the director
too, but I'll leave that as an exercise :)