On Mon, 2006-02-13 at 14:02 -0600, Richard Pickett wrote:
> Since I'm only using keepalived the current connections aren't carried
> over to the backup at sync. I'm running Fedora 4 with the 2.6.11 kernel
> (can easily upgrade to 2.6.15). But I don't see any IPVS syncd patches
> for this kernel. Is it included? And if yes, how do I configure it to
> sync up between the master and backup?
Using keepalived you will need the "lvs_sync_daemon_interface"
configuration option for a given VRRP instance. If you have the same on
both your MASTER and BACKUP, the BACKUP will sync state correctly and
connection states should carry over on failover.
On failback, however, you may need to make use of the preempt_delay
option to give the machine which will become MASTER time to populate
its' state table.
> Second. Email doesn't work with keepalived.
This sounds like you have set it up in such a way that it's using
"bogus" sender addresses which fail to verify in the SMTP server's RCPT
TO: transaction. If you can post both your config and your mail server
errors we can see what's going on - and note that there's a keepalived
specific mailing list too; see http://www.keepalived.org/listes.html
> Third. I believe I can use keepalived to just switch a VIP and GIP
> between two servers that act as routers (one master, one backup) without
> needing to run any services behind them. You guys see any problems with
> going this route?
No. You can use keepalived just to do VRRP quite happily.