On Wed, 2006-06-28 at 10:22 +0100, Dr A V Le Blanc wrote:
> For many years we have used keepalived to manage our lvs farm,
> but I have never managed to get it to failover automatically,
> so I've simply used manual failover. I have tried a large number
> of minor variations on configuration files, but let me give a
> simple example. There are two directors. One has this in its
> /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf file:
> vrrp_sync_group VG1 {
> group {
> VI_1
> }
> }
> vrrp_instance VI_1 {
> state MASTER
> interface eth0
> virtual_router_id 51
> priority 150
> authentication {
> auth_type PASS
> auth_pass 1111
> }
> virtual_ipaddress {
> }
> }
> and the other has this:
> vrrp_sync_group VG1 {
> group {
> VI_1
> }
> }
> vrrp_instance VI_1 {
> state BACKUP
> interface eth0
> virtual_router_id 51
> priority 50
> authentication {
> auth_type PASS
> auth_pass 1111
> }
> virtual_ipaddress {
> }
> }
Your virtual_router_id on the backup needs to be incremented.
Brad Dameron
SeaTab Software