On Mon, 25 Sep 2006, Dirk Umlauffd wrote:
I've set up an LVS for a redundant DNS service on two redhat boxes:
RIP's: .21 and .22 on the same network as the VIP.
you have one director and two realservers?
it looks like you have one realserver with a weight of 1000
and one with a weight of 1 (guessing what the conf file is
doing). If so they should be the same.
Everything works fine, exept if the named on the "master" (.20) fails,
since you don't have a back up director, you don't have a
master either?
then I
recieve the answers from instead of
maybe I don't understand your setup yet
Joseph Mack NA3T EME(B,D), FM05lw North Carolina
jmack (at) wm7d (dot) net - azimuthal equidistant map
generator at http://www.wm7d.net/azproj.shtml
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