G'day Matthew,
Well, I reset all the networks on all machines to their original config
from our hosting provider and tried the TUN setup. Wow. Took less than
15 min and its working great with http. Seems all those VLANs where the
problem with DR.
Possibly. Well, I'm glad to hear it works for you then.
Now all I gotta do is get it running with https and mysql and figure a
way for my Windowz lovers to keep all the slaves in sync with website
changes without having to teach them to ssh. Wee.
There's been a massive amount of input regarding web service
synchronisation on this mailing list and people long before today have
solved this to their full extend. So you might want to check the
lvs-users archives to find out more about that. The other option is to
start a new thread explaining exactly what you need to have in sync
regarding your application and I'm convinced that lots of people here
will be more than willing to help.
I happen to think that for Windows people it's quite to use ssh, since
there are excellent clients available, both for ssh and scp. Especially
if you develop web applications using Eclipse for example, you don't
even notice anymore if you're on a Windows or Unix box.
Thanks for all your help, patience and assistance Roberto.
T'was a pleasure.
Best regards,
Roberto Nibali, ratz
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