
[Ultra Monkey director doesn't accept connection]

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Ultra Monkey director doesn't accept connection]
From: Maverik <mllmartinez@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2007 14:22:04 +0800

I installed Ultra Monkey for load-balancing purposes (on a RHEL4). I
followed the instruction on the UM site. I did the following already:

1. installed UM on the director; modified the sysctl file and updated the (1 director and 2 nodes)
2. based on the ipvsadm -L -n, it shows both the nodes' IP addresses and the
virtual's as well.
3. also, the polling of the nodes are okay based on the tcpdump result
(nodes would return 200 status to the requests of the director)
4. i turned on the apache on all of the nodes and the director; however, for
the director, i configured the httpd.conf to listen to the loopback only
(for the fallback parameter of the
5. connectivity to the outside network of the nodes are okay (iptables have
been configured to allow nodes to connect to the external network)

After several tests, the director doesn't route requests coming from the
virtual IP to the nodes. tcpdump is not taking any packets from the virtual
address on port 80. the director doesn't reroute traffic to the loopback
address when connection to the nodes fails (as per fallback parameter would

According to a debian site, I need to modify the sysctl of the nodes, which
I did. Nothing happened.

I checked several sites already, and there's nothing much to do in the
director or the file, unless the implementation is
load-balancing and high-availability (which isn't the case here).

Any help is appreciated. Thanks.


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do... Attitude determines how well you do it."

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