
Re: configuring LVS multiple realservers in director with localnode in S

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: configuring LVS multiple realservers in director with localnode in SMP machine
From: "Alexander Osorio" <maosorionet@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 2 Jun 2007 20:48:32 -0500
> you can't tag a process to a processor (at least easily in
> Linux)

Yes, but linux do a good job distributing the load in the 2
processors, so if the load of one process is 77% and the other 65% and
the PC have 2 processors, linux distribute the process one by

For example, i have a CPU with 2 dual core processors, for Linux i
have 4 processors, and running only one realserver in the machine is
wasting the other processors.

So, i'm looking for a way to run in the same PC, for example, 4
process (one per processor)
but i can have only one ip:port for the clients, the clients are POS
wireless terminals that connect to one ip:port, and i need to do load
balancing between the connections.

Every process have a socket open in ip:port, so i try to do that with
LVS, with one VIP that can do load balancing and forwarding to the
others ip:port in every process...

> you can only have one realserver in LocalNode.

ok. please another way?

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