On Aug 19, 2008, at 11:23 AM, Jeff Anderson wrote:
> If it works, and we like it, we will consider using LVS for other
> services, such as mail or ldap. Can I set up multiple real server
> pools based on the service (port)? I'd definitely want to have
> different virtual IPs for each service, but I haven't found any
> documentation on achieving this. I'd appreciate any and all links,
> or magic google terms. If I'm not clear enough, let me know and I'll
> provide an example that is a little more detailed.
This works just fine - just add multiple virtual ips to the heartbeat
config, and add appropriate entries for ldirector.conf - you can even
go so far as to direct traffic to multiple real NICs on the network
(which we do to help with network shaping and monitoring)
Chief Architect
The Hive
(617) 301-6200