On Tue, 2008-11-18 at 10:40 -0600, Michael Pfeuffer wrote:
> Thanks for the quick reply. Unfortunately, using 'sh' didn't make any
> difference. FWIW, the test traffic is all coming from the same source
> address, to that may explain why.
Yep, that would explain it.
You could artificially reduce the UDP protocol timeout for testing:
ipvsadm --set <tcp> <tcpfin> <udp> (see man ipvsadm for info)
but you can't make it less than 1 second.
Also, because UDP is stateless, a "session" is viewed as traffic
arriving from $host with $source_port to a given VIP/Port within the UDP
timeout detailed above. This causes problems with SIP signalling data in
some cases because it has a tendency to be sourced from port 5060, to
port 5060 and is quite regular.
If you have a larger spread of clients, over time things will become
roughly balanced according to your RS weights.