
Re: combination round robin dns and lvs?

To: Jeremy Hansen <jeremy@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: combination round robin dns and lvs?
Cc: tc lewis <tcl@xxxxxxxxx>, lvs Mailing List <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Julian Anastasov <uli@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2000 06:54:42 +0300 (EEST)

On Fri, 9 Jun 2000, Jeremy Hansen wrote:

> Well there is error handling with dns, infact it's pretty much fundamental
> feature of dns to have secondary name servers so how would that hurt
> things....or are you speaking of a lvs machine going down and rr pointing
> to a downed lvs server?  I see what you mean there but I would still
> institute lvs failover as I would without using rr dns, so behind the dns
> it would really be the same type of setup.  It just seems that rr dns
> would be a very simple way to balance across multiple lvs machines.
> You could have real servers point to all lvs machines somehow, I think
> fwmark can be used here, or have a unique group of real servers per lvs
> machine.  It would be neat I think, but is there real world benefits to
> doing this?

        My thoughts was about such setup (not tested):

nslookup www.<domain>.com

Name:           www.<domain>.com

Your auth name servers:

                  ISP 1    ISP 2
                       \   /   \ /

        The result:

- Packets  for and  are marked
with same value using ipchains -m

- the virtual service is defined via ipvsadm -f

- if  one ISP is down you can  update the state in the other
DNS, you can use little timeouts too. Is TTL=5 minutes a
problem? May be for some proxy servers?

- you handle one virtual service

- we  assume  you  can  replace the  director  if  there are
problems, you can use as many backup servers as you wish

- we are happy if both ISPs work :)

        OK, this is only an example setup. You still can use
many  LVS  boxes which  can  use same  real  servers without

> I kind of agree with you on the hackish thing of using rr dns, but dns is
> weird I think.  There are a lot of thing about dns that don't necessarily
> follow standard yet people still do it and bind is written to allow such
> behavior.  Hey, if it's good enough for, it's good enough for
> me.
> -jeremy


Julian Anastasov <uli@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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