
RE: Java-Solved, SNMP?

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: Java-Solved, SNMP?
From: "Rommel, Florian" <Florian.Rommel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2003 13:34:07 +0300
sorry, yes of course.

this is a system running Resin and Apache 1.3.2X on  windows 2000, identical 
servers and a single LVS in front.The setup is using LVS-DR. In order to get 
java applets and applications to work thru an LVS without throwing an exception 
about permission denied, make sure you have your httpd.conf configured 
correctly. In my case I had a problem in the httpd.conf in apache. I didn't 
have the mod_caucho directive specified in the Virtual Host directive, only in 
the main server config. Once I specified separate mod_caucho directives in the 
virtualhost directive it still did not work . Resin needs to be restarted 
before these setting take effect for some reason. 

Once the resins were restarted, and the caucho directives were put correctly. 
the whole thing started to work flawlessly. we now have perfectly balanced java 
application servers and the load has dramatically sunk.

here is an example of a mod_caucho directive for apache in a virtual host:

<VirtualHost ip.of.your.LVS:80>
    ServerAdmin admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    DocumentRoot "D:/Resin/default_app"
    ErrorLog D:/Logs/Apache/appserver/error.log
    CustomLog "|D:/Logs/Apache/rotatelogs.exe 
D:/Logs/Apache/appserver/access.log 86400" combined
  <IfModule mod_caucho.c>
    CauchoConfigFile "D:/Resin/conf/mod_caucho.conf" (<-- this is basically a 
shortcut to the main resin.conf file)
 <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine off

hope this helps.

PS: I have just completed a step by step tutorial/document for our internal 
purposes on setting up multiple virtually hosted websites all LVSd between 2 
servers. Is anyone interested ? I can adjust the document for general purpose 
and it is rather detailed, including everything from the Windows 2000 config to 
the LVS?


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