
Re: Ldirectord and custom scripts

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Ldirectord and custom scripts
From: Malte Geierhos <malte@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2006 18:13:10 +0200
hey again
Yeah feedbackd is a really nice approach but again : it's not working atm
the internal structs of ip_vs have changed in the kernel interface - afaik.
I can't get it working.

A while ago the author(jeremy) promised to continue the good work -
but at the time he was busy - and now i never heard anything again.

He mentioned some plans to integrate the possibility for free script - input into his "agents"

malte geierhos
ou to do this and be accurate, a simple script on the director side wouldn't be enough. I'm guessing you would have to have something running on the real server side. If you really want to have this, you should take a look at feedbackd ->

Currently ldirectord is built-in with many health checking scripts (ftp smtp http pop pops nntp imap imaps ldap https dns mysql pgsql sip). What would be great, would be the ability to add checks for services that aren't supported (or even for those that are) without the nedd to delve in the ld

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