
Re: Ldirectord and custom scripts

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Ldirectord and custom scripts
From: Francisco Gimeno <kikov@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2006 00:42:10 +0200
> For you to do this and be accurate, a simple script on the director
> side wouldn't be enough. I'm guessing you would have to have
> something running on the real server side. If you really want to have
> this, you should take a look at feedbackd ->
> projects/feedbackd/
really interesting.. it's a replacement for ldirectord, isn't it?

I'll pay attention to it tomorrow (after some sleeping), thanks for the links

> Currently ldirectord is built-in with many health checking scripts
> (ftp smtp http pop pops nntp imap imaps ldap https dns mysql pgsql
> sip). What would be great, would be the ability to add checks for
> services that aren't supported (or even for those that are) without
> the nedd to delve in the ld
as I have said previously, my perl is inexistent, and for high performance 
test, I would prefer some C programs like the nagios one... and the 
flexibility of custom checks as I don't think my checks could be reusable in 
other environments...

Francisco Gimeno

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