
Re: mysql through lvs?

To: jake buchholz <jake@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: mysql through lvs?
Cc: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Joseph Mack <mack@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 1 Apr 2000 11:53:14 -0500 (EST)
On Fri, 31 Mar 2000, jake buchholz wrote:

> Anyone have any success getting mysql to successfully connect through
> LVS?

a previous posting sounded like someone had got http and mysql realservers
running behind a director. The httpds had their own VIP (which the 
client connected to) and they called the mysqlds, which had a separate
VIP (each realserver had httpd or mysqld but not both). 

I would expect that mysqld is just another single port service (although
I haven't tried it). If it didn't work out of the box I'd be interested
to know why.

> I can connect fine on the real server, but can't connect through the
> LVS redirector...  

the control (eg another service like telnet) works fine?
Is mysqld listening on the VIP (if you're running VS-DR) or the RIP
(if you're running VS-NAT)?

> I can't just telnet to port 3309 from the real or
> through the LVS though -- so my guess is that mysql is sensing that
> something isn't quite right and refusing the connection...

to make progress from here you're going to have to run tcpdump on the
director and the realserver.

> the LVS -> real server for databases are 1:1.

I'm sorry I don't know what this means

  what i'd like to use it
> for is to be able to switch to a different mysql real server if one goes
> down (for maintenance, etc.) 

so need a monitor for mysqld?

or to redistribute the databases if we add
> a new mysql real server.

I would expect that multiple mysqlds will have to access the same
file system (eg by nfs, other people are talking about gfs, but I 
don't know if anyone has got it to work with LVS yet)


Joseph Mack mack@xxxxxxxxxxx

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