Stephen Zander wrote:
> >>>>> "Joseph" == Joseph Mack <mack@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> Joseph> Can you check the posible data corruption problem
> Joseph> sometime. Like connect directly from a client box to 2
> Joseph> realservers and write to one mysqld and check if the other
> Joseph> mysqld can see the write
> That will work: as soon as both boxes write, however, the database
> will corrupt. mySQL does *not* provide any transaction support of
> concurrency access.
> --
> Stephen
Regarding corruption, what if the client ensures that table locking is
used around each write?
In any case, is it certain that the one mysqld will see the other one's
write, with the memory caches etc. As an example, "INSERT DELAYED" might
cause problems, as server A may do an "INSERT DELAYED" on a table in the
database, then server B may try to read from the same table before
server A decides to sync the on-disk database with the in-memory
database. Also, the in-memory indices may also be out of sync. Please
correct me if I'm wrong!