
Re: piranha with redhat 6.2

To: ian <ian.martins@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: piranha with redhat 6.2
Cc: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Joseph Mack <mack.joseph@xxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2000 14:42:15 -0400
ian wrote:
> Hi all,
>         I'm trying to set up an LVS cluster of two routers and two real 
> servers
> (with apache) using the piranha package that comes with red hat 6.2 . right
> now there seem to be two problems.

(excerpt from the next version of the HOWTO)

Before you come up on the mailing list with a problem because your LVS does
not work, please -

1. try to get a simple LVS (3 nodes: client, director, realserver) going
in either VS-DR or VS-NAT mode with the service telnet. You should be able
to do this from the HOWTO, starting from a freshly downloaded kernel and
ipvs-patch pair.

2. LVS is distribution neutral. It only needs the kernel (from
and the ipvs patch (from If you can get an LVS
to work with these files but not with the kernel on your distro, then you
have a problem with your distro. If your problem is distribution specific
(eg Redhat ships with LVS patches applied, with a version which will be old
by the time you get to talk to us) then we may know what the problem is,
but it would be better if you contacted your distro - they need the feedback,
not us.

3. If you are using one of the packages that can be used with LVS (eg
heartbeat from the Linux HA project, or piranha
from Redhat), again we may know what the problem is, but they need the
feedback that you can't get it to work, not us. Many of us are on each other's
mailing lists and we try to help each other as problems come up, but
the developers of the package are the best to handle the problem.

4. Please use our jargon as best you can. The machine names will be
client, director, realserver1, realserver2... IPs are CIP, VIP, RIP, DIP.
If you do this, we won't have to translate "susanne" and "annie" to their
functional names as we scan your posting.

5. When you come up on the mailing list we need to know your kernel
(eg 2.2.14) and the patch that was applied to it (eg 0.9.11), whether
you are using VS-DR, VS-NAT or VS-Tun. Tell us what you did, what you
expected and what you got and why that's a problem.


Joseph Mack PhD, Senior Systems Engineer, Lockheed Martin
contractor to the National Environmental Supercomputer Center, 
mailto:mack.joseph@xxxxxxx ph# 919-541-0007, RTP, NC, USA

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