
Re: LVS vs Piranha

To: "David D.W. Downey" <david.downey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: LVS vs Piranha
Cc: "Andreas J. Koenig" <andreas.koenig@xxxxxxxx>, Anmol Sheth <anmol@xxxxxxxx>, lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Keith Barrett <kbarrett@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2000 14:35:50 -0400
"David D.W. Downey" wrote:
> No, like I said. UM works. Piranha as released by you fails consistantly
> on various boxen, and with different human installers at the helm. One
> human, possible human error. 2 humans, less chance of possible human
> error, 3 humans... hmmm. get the picture?

Then I suppose all the other customers, and a great product review on
ZDnet, had no problems with the product by accident? And I suppose all
our usage here is imaginary? And our demo at LWE didn't happen? Hummm.

Forgive me, but I'll continue to believe the product works as documented,
and ask that if you have specific improvements to send them to me.

> You view that as me recommending something? You really don't like to admit
> there's a problem anywhere Do you? Ok, let me spell it
> out. nanny. doesn't. accept. switches. like. the. docs. say. Not a
> recommendation. It's a statement.

There are always problems. I would not have released RPM updates if things
were perfect. I have demonstrated many times that I am thrilled to improve
the product and kill bugs. I want it to be the best, or work on something
else. Your response is not very helpful. Without providing details so I can
examine, reproduce, and/or correct it, then you are just using the mailing
list to vent rather than something more constructive.

> You just kill me keith. Considerign I've done Linux phone support myself I
> know what it is and isn't.

Then I would have thought you'd be able enough to install and trouble-
shoot it.  Others with less experience have, and certainly all the source
code is there. Piranha is, after all, a community GPL package.

> You continue to insinuate that the problem is
> user based and not application based. Then again I understand. It's always
> easier (and cheaper) to blame the user rather than the software. 

No; actually it's always easier to blame the product. You can make it
fool proof but not damm fool proof. Some complain that you shouldn't need
documentation, others complain that there is too little documentation.
This is why there are now stickers on hair dryers warning users not to use
the device while in the bathtub, and on coffee cups claiming it contains
hot liquid.

Again; I am more than willing to accept specific recommendations for
improving the product. That includes making things easier if possible.

> Red Hat's, unlike most, also includes some http
> communications to the real servers.
> Mind explaining the http communications thing? Makes no sense.

Support does not include trainning on LVS, but does help the user with
basic communication problems to the real servers provided it is a
linux/http system (Red Hat obviously cannot help with WinNT).
Most other product support only cover the LVS routers.


Keith Barrett
Red Hat Inc. HA Team

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