
Re: LVS vs Piranha

To: Michael Loftis <zop12@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: LVS vs Piranha
Cc: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Keith Barrett <kbarrett@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 13:32:31 -0400
Michael Loftis wrote:
> I've been watching this thread develop and decided to check out those four
> Bugzillas.  Number 1 is a Resolution:  WORKSFORME...  (copied below)
> contrary to what Mr. Barrett claims.  You'll have to hit the bottom of
> this note to find that the first two are WORKSFORME, fairly 15911 is
> ASSIGNED, but 15912 is DEFERRED for addition into the next revision.

That's because I just recently changed the status on some of them.
At the time I posted, they were as I said.

> So will Mr. Downey recieve any credit for the revision addition of 15912?
> And did that little note make the Errata at release time?

He did not cause any revision. The actual product documentation states
that this is planned for a future release, as does the FAQ on the HA Server
web site (which was written long before he posted).

> Anyway I'll drop it there...  I just couldn't stand back and watch this
> one after seeing the Bugzilla entries for myself.  I don't think that
> you're saying Mr. Downey was bringing personal issues into this was fair,
> throughout the letters to the list he has maintained a decent amount of
> professionalism until you pointed that it was "personal".

Unfortunately, whether it was obvious on the mailing list or not, there was
a lot of other issues involved. For example; he was offered a refund but
refused it, then complained here that he was out $2k (which is for the
support, not the software). If you read the bugzilla entries, you can also
see that I tried to work with him, but he was more interested in taking a
stand. There were additional interactions (many not with me) that it is not
my place to discuss, so I have to accept that it may appear unbalanced. None
of this had anything to do with his employment, which I know little about and
did not even reveal. It was never my desire, or intent, to attack him, but I
had to post some sort of response to his cries of "the product doesn't work"
and "it sucks", etc. Ignoring the legal possibilities, many of his statements
false, and he never gave specifics or stating it's just his opinion or
experience. Obviously the product does work. People are using it and it even
got a good review at ZDnet.

I thought that simply encouraging people to form their own opinion was the
best response I could give under the circumstances, and hope that his
responses helped people to see where he was coming from.


Keith Barrett
Red Hat Inc. HA Team

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