
Persistence in LVS, and other projects?

To: <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Persistence in LVS, and other projects?
From: "Dan Browning" <danb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2000 21:48:58 -0700
I know others have been burned for asking about layer-7 issues in LVS, when
it's supposed to be layer-2 and 3 only.  But I'll ask anyway.

I've read "Persistence Handling in LVS" in the docs section.  Basically it
said that you can add sticky connections on a per-ip address basis.  That's
not bad, but if someone is using NAT or a proxy server to access the net
(*ahem* 20 million AOL users), then wouldn't one end up with quite an
imbalenced cluster since they would all be directed to the same Real Server?

My application is interchange on linux, with Apache and mod_ssl.  The SSL is
what requires me to have correct client->real server connections.

Here's my question:  What is the best way to impliment "sticky" connections
(such as SSL) with free software?  If none, I'll go ahead and buy that
$35,000 load balancer from intel, or arrowpoint.  Those expensive
hardware-based load balancers look into the layer7 of the packet and load
balance based on cookies.  I'd like that functionality, except with free
software.  Is there such a thing?

Thanks for your guys' time.

Dan Browning
Network & Database Administrator
Cyclone Computer Systems

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