
Re: Persistence in LVS, and other projects?

To: Dan Browning <danb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Persistence in LVS, and other projects?
Cc: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Jeremy <jjohnson@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2000 01:59:34 -0700
Dan Browning wrote:
> Wow.  Thank you so much for the feedback.
> > First of all, cookie persistent is not solving the problem of
> > AOL using proxy servers, unless you have SSL termination.
> Intel has a SSL termination network appliance for $10,000 that does 200 TPS.
> I could either use this for the front end SSL decoding, or I heard that some
> HTTP proxies can do that. 

You sure about the price of the ssl termination appliance? I am supposed
to be getting some 7180s
( in this
week to mess around with. The 7180's do 600 tps SSL and have the SSL
termination, but they are $20K.. and the only boxes that I know of from
intel that are 200tps are the low end 7110 SSL accelerators which are
only about 7K which I happen to have a few I have been tinkering with
lately, pretty impressive little boxes, lots more functionality than I
thought. I am looking forward to getting my hands on some 7180s in a few
days ;)

... snip ...

> > I do not think $30k load balancer has SSL termination built-in.
> > If they do, check the spec, it probably about 100 transaction/s.
> > If you think that is all you need for SSL, you could have a
> > medium size server and do not need load balancer at all :)
> The Intel E-Commerce Director (taken from iPivot, or something) does in fact
> have SSL termination built-in.  And it's 600 transactions/sec.  That's new
> transactions.  It can handle 3000 transactions/sec of established
> connections.

Ya, I had a meeting with intel a few weeks ago about some of their
newest SSL accelerators and they JUST released them about 3 weeks ago, I
think it is the 7185, previously the 7180 was around $40K and when they
released the 7185 the price of the 7180 dropped to 20K. Anyway, this new
7180 can do 1200 tps and 6000 established connetions,


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