
HTTPS and cookies

To: Linux Virtual Server Mail List <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: HTTPS and cookies
From: Trevor Marshall <trevor@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 01 Nov 2000 14:41:09 +0000
Hello all -
I have had the beginnings of my cluster running for some time now. I am
forwarding http and ssh connections back using NAT.  Currently I only
have one Real Server so haven't had much chance to test scehduling.
Now it is time to add persistent https, and hopefully a 2nd real server
so that I'll have a true cluster:

I am trying to understand exactly how the persistent connection is
maintained. I have read Joseph's doc but am still a little fuzzy because
the idea of cookies is a little new to me (I am, in fact, a newbie

I gather that ppc will forward to the same Real Server based on the
Source IP and PORT of the client.
Is that all? Because if so couldn't AOL or some org Masquarade the
source port as well and ruin the session?
I don't need the sticky solution as all my connections will be through
https once it is up.

I guess I don't understand where cookies come into play. Is there a
narrative somewhere that would explain how lvs and cookies work
beginning to end to ensure a clean connection for all client cases?

thanks for helping me clarify,

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