
Re: NFS on LVS, from a newbie

To: <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: NFS on LVS, from a newbie
From: Frédéric Schwien <fred@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2000 22:31:30 -0000

> NFS just doesn't lend itself to replication of 'live' filesystems in
> this manner.  It was never a design consideration when it was being
> developed (over 15 years ago, now!)

I plan to build up an LVS server (I ''l start testing next week end), with
some real servers sharing the same Disk via NFS. After your says, I do not
know if I have to reconsider NFS to share this access . I surfed around the
web and found others networked file systems, like GFS (Global Files System).
This because, obviously, if the server that holds my NFS disk crashes or
goes down, the whole LVS will be down !
In fact, I thought about NFS rather than GFS , just because i do not have
enought time to test it !

What I would like to know is what are you using, experiment LVS users, to
share hard disks between real servers ? NFS ?

well , this is not the proper idea of this mailling list (I know), but since
you were talking about NFS ...

thanks a lot ...


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