
Re: NFS on LVS, from a newbie

To: Frédéric Schwien <fred@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: NFS on LVS, from a newbie
Cc: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: mike@xxxxxxxxxx
Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2000 16:28:45 -0500 (EST)
On Tue, 14 Nov 2000, [iso-8859-1] Frédéric Schwien wrote:

> Hi,
> > NFS just doesn't lend itself to replication of 'live' filesystems in
> > this manner.  It was never a design consideration when it was being
> > developed (over 15 years ago, now!)
> I plan to build up an LVS server (I ''l start testing next week end), with
> some real servers sharing the same Disk via NFS. After your says, I do not
> know if I have to reconsider NFS to share this access . I surfed around the
> web and found others networked file systems, like GFS (Global Files System).
> This because, obviously, if the server that holds my NFS disk crashes or
> goes down, the whole LVS will be down !
> In fact, I thought about NFS rather than GFS , just because i do not have
> enought time to test it !
> What I would like to know is what are you using, experiment LVS users, to
> share hard disks between real servers ? NFS ?

I've always used nfs to share disk between realservers.
> well , this is not the proper idea of this mailling list (I know), but since
> you were talking about NFS ...

I think the discussion was more about creating an NFS LVS, where you had
multiple NFS realservers balanced by a single director, not multiple
realservers sharing a resource via a backend NFS server :)

Michael D. Jurney

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